All The Benefits Of Using Outdoor Dog Pens

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dogs outdoors in dog pens

You might assume that outdoor dog pens should be used by dog boarders or professional dog kennels only. Actually though, no matter the size or breed of your dog, a dog pen can provide your animal with a safe and comfortable place to spend some time. Dog pens are highly versatile and can be an ideal place for playtime and burning off energy, as well as downtime, providing dogs with an area for relaxation. 

At Benchmark Kennels, we are firm believers that dog pens are not just a permanent place to keep your pets. Instead, they are temporary solutions too, giving dog owners peace of mind that their pooches are safe and secure – so you can get some errands done or take some time out for yourself. Outdoor dog pens are superb ways to give your dog plenty of room, fresh air and stimulation when you’re out of the house.

Let’s take a look at some of the valuable benefits of dog pens for both you and your furry companions…


The most noteworthy benefit of having an outdoor dog pen at your home or property is safety. A well-structured and high-quality dog pen serves as a dependable and snug area for your dog to spend time, keeping both you and your pet safe. 

Dog pens can offer protection from inedible or potentially poisonous plants or objects around your garden, as well as removing the risk of your dog escaping from your home when left outdoors unsupervised. It’s far easier and highly cost-effective to invest in a reliable and sturdy wooden dog kennel with plenty of space for your dog to play than to install secure fencing around your home. What’s more, you can rest easy with a professionally made dog pen, knowing your pet can’t dig or jump their way out. 

On top of outdoor dog pens protecting your pooch from potential harm and preventing escape missions, they are ideal for separating animals too. Some instances where dog pens and runs come in especially handy are when one of your animals has undergone a vet procedure, when bringing home a new puppy, avoiding fights between dogs or giving an aggressive or timid dog the space it needs. 

It’s also important to keep in mind that dog pens aren’t just for the safety of your animals, they also protect your family or other pets too, especially if your dog’s behaviour is particularly unpredictable.


It is a well-known fact that puppies and adult dogs need a safe space that they can go to be alone, out of the way of human interaction for a while. While having a dog crate in your home is one option, an outdoor dog pen is far more suitable and effective, allowing dogs to move and stretch out whilst also having some time to themselves. 

If you are worried about your dog staying warm and dry when kept outdoors in the chilly British climate, dog pens and runs can protect your pets from the elements. The entire Benchmark Kennel’s range can be customised to suit your needs, whether you would like your outdoor dog pens to have extra insulation or ventilation. Wooden or WPC eco-thermal dog pens offer a spot for your dogs to go to shelter from wind, rain, or the suns rays. 

If you use your dog pen in the right ways, your animal will learn to associate their pen with comfort, warmth and security, not confinement. It’s important not to use dog pens for outside as a punishment tactic or to leave your dogs enclosed for too long, as this can lead to negative behaviours and an unhappy dog in the long run.

Temporary solutions 

Besides the two main advantages of safety and comfort that come with having a dog pen installed at home, they can also make life as a dog owner so much easier. If you have more than one dog, large or long-haired breeds that like to get muddy on their walks, an outdoor pen is perfect for keeping your dog outside while it shakes and dries off. You can even use a hosepipe to give your dog a wash down in the pen and avoid any mud entering your home. 

Likewise, dog pens for outside are a place for your dogs to play or sleep while you get some jobs done around the home, without having to worry about them chewing anything in your absence! If you have a friend or family member visiting that is afraid or allergic of dogs and would prefer them not to be around, an outdoor pen is ideal for a temporarily keeping your animals out the way.

Part of the worry when welcoming a new dog to your home is how they will cope when left alone, especially if your dog will have to be kept cooped up indoors. Outdoor dog pens are superb ways to give your dog plenty of room, fresh air and stimulation when you’re out of the house for short periods. 


While getting a new puppy or dog is an exciting experience, it can also be a huge challenge. There are a number of factors at play such as your dog’s breed, personality, past experiences, but most of all your training techniques. Outdoor dog pens should never be used as punishment, but they are a great way to house-train a dog, without the risk of damage to your home.

For example, a dog will learn to keep destructive behaviours like chewing and running around to the outdoors, rather than chewing any expensive furniture! You can even toilet train your dog from its pen, by rewarding your animal when it goes to the toilet there and easily washing away the mess. 

Some dogs may be harder to train than others, with rescued or adopted dogs often being impossible to house-train if they have lived most of their lives outside. In this instance, a dog pen can provide your pet with a sense of security to burn off energy and avoid negative behaviours in your home. 

Interested in an outdoor dog pen for your home?

At Benchmark Kennels, we offer a personal, friendly and affordable service and can have a bespoke dog kennel turned around in as little as a week. Our range of kennels, pens and runs are completely customisable, so you can adapt each product to suit your dog(s) perfectly. 

Get in touch with the team today to discuss your options or order your kennel online now. 

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